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Associate Membership

We value our Associate Members!  Once members, we are happy to send a blast to our general membership about your business.

Any industry that works directly with Insurance Agencies is welcome to apply for membership.  This is your businesses way of showing support to the Members of the AIIAB you work with.

The benefits AIIAB Members receive from the funds associate members provide:

-The AIIAB cannot continue to provide advocacy, education, events and legislative benefits without the support of its general members and associate members.  With these funds we are unable to maintain our leverage with Legislative insurance law changes. The tools the Big “I" provides to its members such as online business comparison, employee coverage comparison, and customized flyers with the Trusted Choice branding are all imperative to their success and require dues payments from the AIIAB. The education opportunities both within our convention and during the year are highly depended on and utilized to their fullest extents.  Sponsorship funds allow us to purchase venues, pay instructors for their services and purchase necessary equipment.

We have a new membership platform and below is the link to that platform.  Please follow the steps to initiate your membership and pay the corresponding membership fees.  If you have any quesitons during this process please contact Leslie Binkley / Excecutive Director at 907-349-2500 or via email

Membership Link: New Associate Members & Sponsors Join Here

Renewal Link: Associate Members &​ Sponsors Renew Here​

Thank you for your intersted in becoming a member of the Alaska Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers.