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General Members:

Costs will be dependent upon your employee count. Your employee list has been emailed separately which contains current employees listed on the IIAB website and that currently have access to the resources your membership provides.  Updates will be made to the Big "I" website and new employees will receive a welcome email and instructions for logging on after your membership fee has been received.

Please choose the corresponding employee count and follow the prompts for payment. Check or credit card is accepted. 

Please mail payments to:

AIIAB  P.O. Box 55343 North Pole, AK 99705

New Member Application

Member Renewal Application


Associate Members 

All sponsors should have received the attached letter for corporate acknowledgement of sponsorship to AIIAB.  Below is a sample you may use for your reference. 

We have included options to include the association fee within your sponsorship amount.  If you would like a separate invoice for the association fee and the sponsored amount please email and they will be forwarded to you.

Check or credit card is accepted. 

Please mail payments to:

AIIAB   P.O. Box 55343, North Pole, AK 99705

New Associate & Sponsors Join Here

Associate Members & Sponsors Renewal Here 




Benefits of being a Big "I" Member

Thank you all so much again for your continued support and we are looking forward to a great year! 


Please direct all comments or questions to Leslie Binkley, 907-349-2500.